Welcome to your team page! This is your own team’s calendar and information page 🙂
- Tuesdays at TSA 5:00-7:00pm
- Sundays at MBHS, typically 1:00-3:00pm except on holidays or gym schedule shifts
13/14-Brittany Team Calendar:
Link to Local Tournament website: VOLLEY-FEST
LOCATION for tournaments: San Diego Volleyball club (SDVBC):
10806 Willow Court
San Diego CA 92127
13/14-Brittany TEAM ROSTER:
- Dahlia Adler
- Grace Alexander
- Naima Blue
- Danielle Breise
- Annabella Capalbo
- Jenna Edison
- Eleanor Meyer
- Anais Meylan
- Ashley Ordaz Puentes
- Leah Pichon
- Kaleigh Whang
- Allison Wittkow