Please know that our club costs are among the lowest around, yet we provide highly qualified instruction, guidance, and organization. Our lower rates are due primarily to the fact that we rent our practice gym space and we do not own a building with an expensive lease (this reduces our overhead).
We understand that club volleyball can be expensive and we strive to raise funds and donations so that we may assist those families who need it most.
Our goal is to distribute financial assistance among all those who need it, not full scholarships to the first few that request it.
Lastly, all those who receive financial aid are expected to “give back” and contribute to LJV in other ways: assist with paperwork, uniforms, and some organizational tasks as needed.
LJV Financial Aid Program
Thanks to our sponsors, we are able to offer some assistance to some players each season. This financial aid comes from donations from sponsors, not fees from other players.
If you cannot pay the entire season fees, then please apply for financial aid so we may consider your request. We expect all applicants to be able to pay a portion of their fees. Our first course of action is to devise a personal payment plan.
We do not publish detailed qualification criteria. Decisions on the distribution of financial aid are made by the La Jolla Volleyball Board of Directors based on applications. We may ask for additional information to assist in our decision-making.
LJV families may apply for aid before the start of each season by submitting a LJV Financial Aid Application. All information provided is kept strictly confidential.
Frequently Asked Questions
Who qualifies for aid?
Any registered and actively participating LJV player is eligible for the season in which they are participating. We ask for an application form and an explanation of your request for financial aid. We reserve the right to ask for a copy of tax records or pay stubs.
Are my fees covered in full (100%)?
No. We do not provide full scholarships. We have too many costs to cover to be able to provide a season at no cost. Gym rentals, tournament entries, coaching stipends, equipment, insurance, etc. are all necessary costs to be covered and we do not have the funds to provide full assistance at this time. We will distribute funds among qualified applicants.
If we receive financial aid, can my daughter just participate part-time?
No. We form teams and count on each player’s participation and attendance, regardless of what percentage of the fees you are paying. Please do not think that it won’t matter if you attend… it will! It will hurt your teammates if you do not attend.
Will my daughter’s teammates or other parents know we are receiving financial aid?
No. We keep financial information confidential and it is not appropriate for anyone else to know.
Can I “work” for my fees, or trade some “in kind” donations or services?
Likely yes, depending on our needs and your availability and expertise(s). Be sure to explain and offer such possibility on your Financial Aid application form, to be considered. We often need administrative help, uniform help, logo wear, part-time coaching, etc. Send an email to Barb to inquire.
Please feel free to contact Barb Birnbaum if you have any questions about financial aid.